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August 23, 2009

The Top 10 Cigarette Smoking Effects on the Body

This is a continuity to my last post, this post is all about Top 10 Effects of smoking. I know All smokers are fully aware of the devastating effects that smoking has on the body. Yet again, this list is not designed to scare all the smokers out there, although it just might.This list does not include the most common cigarette smoking effects on the body such as lung cancer, heart disease and the many others. These are added bonuses you can expect if you smoke. Most smokers don't think they will contract these diseases
1.The smokers cough::. If you have smoked for any length of time you will have the smokers cough. You may think this is an inconvenience if your a smoker, and most smokers try to hide it. This cough is actually your body trying to get rid of the poisonous fumes you are inhaling on a daily basis. It is the sound of your lungs expelling all the chemicals in tobacco smoke. This is a good thing for your body all though you may not think so.
2. Stained teeth. After smoking for a long perode you will get yellow stained teeth. Sure, you can go and get your teeth whitened, but sooner or later the stains will be back if you continue to smoke.
3. Yellow fingers::
. This is basically the same problem as stained teeth. If you smoke roll ups this problem will be even worse. No amount of scrubbing will get rid of it, the only solution is to stop using the same finger.
4. Shortness of breath::. Your lung capacity will be reduced by smoking. You can find out that You could not hold your breath for very long. You then get a read out that you have the lungs of a 50 year old, and your only 30.
5. Circulation problems::. Smoking blocks arteries and reduces blood flow. You will always seemed to feel the cold, especially in your feet.That is, If you get into a hot bath when your feet is cold it will cause a lot of pain. Smoking can also lead to varicose veins and impotence.
6. Grey complexion::. You can tell a heavy smoker from the way their skin looks. They look grey and paler than non smokers. Smoking makes your skin age quicker. You may not think this is a problem when you are young, but you will see the effects of cigarette smoking when you get older. You are starving your skin of essential nutrients.
7. Lack of energy::. The reason is that when you smoke you are starving your body of oxygen, and this leads to a lack of energy.
8. Dry mouth. You will wake up in the morning with a mouth that felt like sandpaper. You just get used to this effect, and it gets worse the longer you smoke. It makes your breath smell and you don't even care.
9. Taste and smell. When you smoke you gradually lose the ability to smell things properly and your taste buds don't work like they used to.
10. Dizzy spells
. If you get out of the bath too quickly you will get funny bright lights in your head, and it affects some smokers more than others. Most people will get dizzy spells if they sit upright quickly, but a smoker will feel more dizzy because they have less oxygen in their bodies.


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