Love Jihad!
For the last some days our newspapers and news channels are running back on Love Jihad. It is nothing but another experiment by Sang Parivar to get a break to their nasty ideology in the highly literate Kerala Society. And some Sanghi minded medias like Kerala Kaumudi, Surya TV are giving extra coverage to this conspiracy to devide Kerala on the basis of community.
Love inside and outside the campus irrespective of religion, and subsequent inter-religious marriages are nothing new, especially in Kerala, where there is more mingling between communities and less or no ghettoising of particular religious groups. In most cases, there have been initial tensions in the families, obviously due to inability of the parents to cope with the fact, given the social and religious realities. Conversion is in fact a painful experience for the families involved. However, there are thousands of mixed families in Kerala and elsewhere who have survived these initial obstacles and keep living, in some cases even in the same villages as of their families. And we can see a lot of Muslim girls are living with Hindu or Christian boyfriends and we never see any such a large Hue and Cry over the issue. But what happened now?
The police force doing an extensive search, investigating in detail, found nothing yet to prove anything that says Love Jihad is there or any organization they are financing or supporting them.If there is anything like Love Jihad it should be banned and whoever behind that Should be punished, and there is no doubt on that they are spoiling the name Islam.As a Muslim I can say 100%sure about there is no conversion to Islam until and unless one who learn and understand Islam.
The entire ‘Love-Jihad’ episode has underlined the ability of Sangh Parivar to spread a lie as truth and utilize it for fomenting communal violence. It is surprising that Christian leaders started speaking in the tongue of Sang Parivar, we all know how these Christian lobby trying to convert poor Aadivasis and fishing community to Christianity. So you don’t have any right to speak about this issue even it is a fact, so please shut your mouth dear bishops andself finance fathers. The very new star on the stage about Love Jihad is His highness Sir Vellapalli Nadeshan. According to his knowledge there is a lot of Sreenarayaneeya families , they have faced Love Jihadi's Attack. Shame on You man. Well, hope this big butt will give evidence about these Terrible Love Jihadis to Police and India will be free from this New type of Terrorism.
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