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November 11, 2009

KCBC's Jihad against Whom?

During the past some days our medias have been celebrating the Love Jihad attack in and out of Kerala. Till date it has not been proven that there is something like Love Jihad. The issue was there by Sanghparivar for years, but it had not got much mileage because everybody knows Sanghparivar agenda. This time The whole issue started with a Pamphlet issued by KCBC (Kerala Catholic Bishops Council) against Love Jihad. The yellow paper shows the hidden agenda of this radical group against one particular religion. Why KCBC took over this issue from Sangparivar? Do they have any right to speak about Conversion? Do they have any right to speak about terrorism?, we really have to think about these questions.

This post is completely about the above said radical group's attitude towards other communities and non-christian countries. I do have a lot of christian friends,I don't want to hurt any ones belief or faith,but on the basis of this radical christian group's hidden agenda i have got a chance to google about their present and past. Whatever I got, whatever I think is true I am posting here.

Lets check some of the famous Quotes about Christianity and their superiors...
"Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it." - Charles Dickens (1812-1870).

When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible.
— Jomo Kenyatta

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) American Statesman said:
"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma."

"The [Catholic] Spaniards in Mexico and Peru used to baptize Indian infants and then immediately dash their brains out; by this means they secured that these infants went to heaven." - Bertrand Russell

"And may I ask you, Europeans, what country you have ever raised to better conditions? Wherever you have found weaker races, you have exterminated them by the roots, as it were. You have settled on their lands, and they are gone for ever. What is the history of your America, your Australia, and New Zealand, your Pacific Islands and South Africa? Where are the aboriginal races there today? They have all been exterminated, you have killed them outright, as if they were wild beasts. It is only where you have not the power to do so, and there only, that other nations are still alive.If Christianity is a saving power in itself, why has it not saved the Ethiopians, the Abyssinians?
Swami Vivekananda-On 9/11/1893 at World Parliament of Religions, Chicago he said to the gathering

These are the thoughts by some great personalities or revolutionaries about the holy Christianity. Now check this,latest reports says...
"The USA contributes USD 145 Billion every year to fund Christian Missionaries across the world. Churches across the world spend USD 1.1 Billion towards research aimed at achieving religious conversions. This is for propaganda material in 300 languages about 180 topics. Books and articles are printed in 500 languages. They total 175000. Every conversion costs USD 3300. It does not mean that this amount reaches the Convert. It is the expense incurred in activities related to administration, planning and implementation of the conversion programme. In 1500 A.D, there were 30 Lac active Christian Missionaries. Their number stands at 64.8 Crore today. 54% of these people are non-Whites. The strategy is to train non-Whites,provide them with funds and involve them in religious conversions. This is similar to the time when the British employed Indians as Soldiers to rule India!" Jagrathai!

there is no wonder on christian cruelties, Do you know who was Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)? Hitler was a Roman Catholic, baptized into that religio-political institution as an infant in Austria. He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth and was confirmed as a "soldier of Christ" in that church. Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf, "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reich stag speech in 1938.Three years later he informed General Gerhart Engel: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." He never left the Church, and the Church never left him.
(source: Hitler Was Not An Atheist – By John Patrick Michael Murphy – Free Inquiry Magazine – vol. 19).

Hey Indians Do you know a fact? The Church is the second largest land owner, the largest being the Indian military. Most of this land was given under land grants by the British to the Church, and by subsequent Indian governments. Let's realize the fact that,they are the the 3rd, only 3rd largest community in India.

If you want more reference just google the Internet,here is some examples..
For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby
Watch video - Christian Missionary Misdeeds in India
How do we know that Christians are delusional?
The Bible Unmasked - by Joseph Lewis

" A creed religion like Christianity... is constantly competing against all other religions — and, what is more, doing so on their own home grounds. Its success is measured in terms of the number of converts it makes." - Michael Arnheim author of Is Christianity
True (Skeptic's Bookshelf Series).
I think the above quote is valuable when we compare this with the recent fatwa by Kerala Catholic Bishop's Council(K C B C) against their own made Love Jihad.
To be continued....


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