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November 25, 2009

Liberhan Report - Another political Gimmick?

Finally The Liberhan Commission Report is Out, Last day Indian Express published the extracts from Liberhan Commission Report. Nobody from the Central Govt. rejected the reports by media,nobody from the Central Govt questioned the credibility of the media reports, So it is crystal clear that Report Leakage is not an accident. And now Central Govt. tabled the Report in Parliament.

The Liberhan Commission was constituted on December 16, 1992 to probe the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya.Seventeen years later, on June 30, 2009, Justice Liberhan has submitted his report to the prime minister. After spending 17 years and 9 crores,What he brought out. As per the report says Commission figured out some Great buts from BJP,RSS and VHP as culprits on this issue, and the ATR(Action Taken Report) says nothing about the action against these Politicians or Terrorist Organizations those gave us the Shameful chapter in Indian History.

Babri Masjid–Ramjanambhoomi controversy dominated Indian politics for about a decade and became the main issue and it was so controversial and rooted in communal politics that it polarized Indian people along religious lines for the first time in post-independence India and since it was raised for riding to political power and BJP did rise to political power towards the end of nineties of the last century.

According to the extracts published in Indian Express the Liberhan Commission has indicted the top leadership of BJP and surprisingly Shri Vajpayee too.

The Commission, according to the Express report, is learnt to have said that despite claims to the contrary, the Ayodhya campaign did not enjoy the willing and voluntary support of the common masses, particularly Hindus. In fact, Liberhan is learnt to have said that demand for a temple never became a mass movement. The campaign only ended up silencing the voices of sanity and shaming them into joining the movement.

On the basis of evidence that includes witness statements and official records, one of the key conclusions of the Commission’s is said to be that the entire build up to the demolition was meticulously planned. And there was nothing to show that these leaders were unaware of what was going on or innocent of any wrongdoing. Mr. Advani had claimed that demolition was a ‘spontaneous’ event and that he was very sorry for that. He claimed he even wept for what happened.
It is learnt that Justice Liberhan has not come down heavily on the then Union Government headed by P V Narasimha Rao. Its argument: as per the Constitution, the Union Government can act only after it receives the recommendation of the state Governor. In this case, the Governor didn't do much and also didn't seek the Centre's intervention.

The markable point Commission outlined is "The Executive, Political Class and Bureaucracy took no effective measures to prevent the demolition or to arrest the perpetrators"

The funniest part of this report is The Congress party and Congress led then Govt and it's P M Narasimha Rao has been given Clean chit. Rao and Congress played an important role on not to stop Karsevaks from the shameful action, the all issue was started it self by congress men, from Javahar Lal Nehru through Rajiv Gandhi who is the main culprit i think on this issue, he was the person who allowed the Hindu Fascist to lay the idol inside the controversial building, then through Narasimha Rao Fascists Completed the process, whole the way we can see a silent support of Patel minded congress men on the Babri Masjid issue.

Everybody knows who the culprits are but what remains to be seen is what action the government and the judiciary will take against those who have been indicted, Every one Knows that nothing is going to happen, everything should end up on some nasty political gimmicks. After all still The main question remains, "What the hell this Commission was doing for 17years, and 9 crores, Here I got a Quote by Paul Sartre, he said " Everything Has been Figured out, Except How to Live" Paul didn't see this Man[Mr.Commission],am i right!

You can download and Read Complete Report as PDF here. To download Complete Report Click here


Amjad Ali - Kottayam,  November 29, 2009 at 12:12 AM  

ur absolutly right Salih Kulangara, These all r political gimmicks, The congress party and it then P M Narasimha rao is the main culprit on the Babri Masjid Demolition, but there is no charge against these Pseudo-democrats, from this itself we can understand the politics behind the Report.

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